Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thank You

Thank you to all of the well wishers, followers and comments on the blogs, and gifts.
  1. Thanks to the Aaron Wildman family. Aaron is a much younger Boy Scout from Kevin's troop. Aaron made a chocolate cake for us and walked it over on Sunday night.
  2. Thanks to Nick Dotter and family for making us a casserole. It is amazing how fast you run out of food when there is just no time to make it to the grocery store. Nick is Kevin's friend from birth.
  3. Thanks to the Elephant Hut Thai restaurant where Kevin works. They sent flowers and later a nice card from the whole crew (Pi, Chris, D, Rachel, Nate, Tim, Max, Ana, Pick, and Alex) to Kevin while he was in the hospital. Pi, who is the owner and head chef, also called to the hospital. I will shamelessly put in a plug for them. Great restaurant. Recently opened. Try them out. On 30th next to Joe's Espresso shop. Thanks Pi,
  4. Thanks to Kevin's friends Maya, Scott, Rose, Rosie, Osha, I know, others, for your homemade cards and gifts and for keeping your visits short.

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