Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kevin going home

Kevin has been cleared to be release from the hospital this evening - sometime around 7. Trying to get his room and bedding clean for him so I'll be short. A few more evaluations today - nothing too extensive and a visit from doctor in rehab center. They determined he didn't need in-patient rehab - he's stable enough. Will have OT and ST out-patient rehab.

When I arrived at 8 am he said he had just been through hell and back. I guess he woke at 6am with splitting headache and the bright lights of the room full of sunny windows doesn't help. I think he slept long enough that previous pain pill had really worn off, but a new pain med was kicking in as I arrived and he ate a little and slept 2 hours. Slept most of day with a few quick visitors and a walk down the hall with the PT. All for now.