Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

Kevin has had a good couple of days. I'm not really checking on him in the middle of the night - he says he gets a little restless, alternates between his bed and the recliner in the living room. Slept or dozed most of the morning both Sat and Sun and then got up mid-day and had a different group of friends over each day for a few hours. Saturday they sat on the sunny back patio and played cards and even took a short walk to the Elks club and back. Sunday they watched a movie and played video games on the x-box. Both days Kevin moved a little slowly, but had the energy and concentration for those types of activities. I even played cribbage with him and he wasn't slow at all - counting cards, knowing which cards to keep, what hand to play. He moved the little pegging counters without trouble. He really seems to be doing quite well these past few days. However, after a few hours of being up, he needs to go lay down again for a while. His headaches haven't disappeared completely, but I think they've gotten milder. He was on his laptop for a while yesterday, chatted with a friend, but then his head started to hurt. Could be the convergence problem with his right eye that they identified in the hosp. OT exercises will help correct that, if it is still a problem. The late afternoon/evening finds him up for a while and then resting for a while. He's well enough to be bored but still feeling crappy and unenergetic enough to stay put. He's eating pretty well and easing off of the pain meds - I'm going to call the doc's office today and see if we should try over the counter stuff. I think Steve will work from home in the mornings again this week while I work my usual 8-1 so that we're around if he needs anything.